
A selection of  R&D&I projects and contracts that are currently being carried out within CETINIA are detailed below:


The main goal of ABACO (Automatic Bed Assistance based on Continuous Optimization) project — developed in collaboration with Pixelabs S.L — is to develop, by using techniques and methods of Data Science, an intelligent algorithm that is able to learn dynamically by using several sleep session reports from smart-mattress and find optimal-pressures patters depending on the characteristics of the user. Thus, it is possible to know which parameters need to be changed to improve the experience, the comfort, and the quality of the sleep.

Executing unit: DSLab


The need for sustainable agriculture has led to the recent introduction of agriculture mobile robots and precision agriculture that makes the practice of farming more accurate and efficient. So far, research has focused mainly on single robots and their agriculture-specific capabilities. The AGROBOTS project will develop smart models and algorithms for scalable, efficient, and decentralized coordination of automated agricultural vehicle fleets.

Executing unit: GIA


The COSASS project deals with the problem of distributed coordination and decision making in harsh environments with heterogeneous physical IoT (Internet of Things) devices that operate on the edge, accomplishing certain tasks on behalf of independent service providers or producers and that should collaborate and coordinate, sharing their resources and capacities, in order to achieve their goals more efficiently.

Executing unit: GIA


CS Track is a H2020 RIA project aimed at broadening our knowledge about Citizen Science and the impact Citizen Science activities can have. CS Track will do this by investigating a large and diverse set of Citizen Science activities, disseminating good practices and formulating knowledge-based policy recommendations in order to maximise the potential benefit of Citizen Science activities on individual citizens, organisations, and society at large.

Executing unit: LITE


DRACO (Dynamic Recover and Automatic Communities Organizer) is a project that will provide a software tool capable of dynamically modeling social behavior and automatically detect the communities in which individuals are organized according to their behavior. For this purpose, techniques for the recovery and organization of information, Data Science and Machine Learning will be used.

Executing unit: DSLab


The e-Madrid-CM project is a research network supported by the Regional Government of Madrid. Its research lines and objectives are aligned with short- and long-term priority themes for computers in education, including Smart learning environments and AI, or Serious games, Gamification and Simulations.

Executing unit: LITE


The main objective of FORTE-CM is to define and apply methodologies, supported by tools, that allow the creation of high-quality emerging applications using formal techniques in all phases of their development. FORTE-CM goes beyond partial efforts that focus on only some of these phases, with the consequent risk that the results obtained are lost, if they are not used within integrated software development framework. This is a joint project between UCM, UAM and URJC.

Executing unit: KYBELE-ISE


Internet of Things (IoT) to preserve intensive livestock. This project is coordinated by the Union of Small Farmers (UPA). The objective is to prevent wolf attacks by analyzing online data from livestock farms. These data are collected using digital cowbells -developed by Digitanimal- that allow the positioning and monitoring of the animals to be followed.

Executing unit: DSLab


The MEDEA project applies explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) techniques to advance biometric technology and improve the quality of the interpretation that a human being can make from the response of an automatic biometric system. XAI techniques will be applied to facial verification in automated border control (ABC) systems. Models will be developed to explain results of these systems in the event of an attack, offering the border guard more than a mere numerical score. Explainable techniques will be implemented to obtain a better knowledge of the procedure as well as compelling evidence that can be presented, interpreted, explained and defended in a judicial procedure.

Executing units: FRAV & SA-BIO


The objective of MEGA project is to develop an effective digital tool to easily manage Erasmus scholarships and eradicate delays in scholarship payment. On a larger scale, the MEGA project aims to provide practical recommendations to policy makers with concrete, evidence-based guidance on how to strengthen cooperation and further improve the services and management of Erasmus+ mobility grants.

Executing unit: KYBELE-ISE


El Proyecto PROGRAMA aborda los restos del aprendizaje de la programación basada en bloques tanto desde un punto de vista tecnológico como didáctico. En su vertiente tecnológica, pretende desarrollar sistemas de visualización de programas y varias clases de sistemas colaborativos. En su vertiente didáctica, pretende desarrollar materiales que faciliten el aprendizaje, como ejercicios o patrones de programación. Asimismo, el proyecto una gran vocación de transferencia.

Executing unit: LITE


El objetivo de este proyecto es la especificación de un marco que permita guiar a las organizaciones en el proceso de transformación de sus modelos de negocio y gestión hacia modelos digitalizados de servicio (o producto-servicio). En este contexto, la transformación digital sigue dos líneas de trabajo: la incorporación de tecnologías digitales para dar soporte a los procesos de la organización y la incorporación de nuevos servicios digitales como resultado de estas nuevas tecnologías en la organización. El marco referenciado especificará guías, técnicas y prácticas para: la innovación y el diseño de nuevos servicios, el rediseño de modelos y procesos de negocio, y la gestión y gobernanza de la organización digital y servitizada.

Executing unit: KYBELE-ISE

Ucrania EU4Digital

Se trata de un contrato de colaboración con FIAPP, dentro de un proyecto europeo. El objetivo de la colaboración es asesorar al Ministerio de Educación de Ucrania por medio de informes en sus esfuerzos de potenciar la enseñanza de la informática y el desarrollo de la competencia digital. Los temas tratados son variados, incluyendo un nuevo marco de competencia digital, ejercicios de programación o el uso de la inteligencia artificial en la educación.

Executing unit: LITE


The project Value Awareness Engineering (VAE) postulates that our human values can be formally specified and treated as special goals that guide behaviour, which opens the door for a computational approach for value awareness. We envision AI systems that are capable of understanding human values, abiding by them, and even explaining their own behaviour or understanding the behaviour of others in terms of these values. This capability, which is self-evident for humans, is critically necessary for dealing with some of the currently observed negative side effects of AI.

Executing units: GIA & DSLab

A complete list of active projects and information on completed projects can be found on the respective websites of CETINIA's research groups.